At, we understand that your pet’s well-being is your top priority. Regular grooming practices, such as bathing, play a vital role in keeping your furry friend happy and healthy.
The Best Dog Food for Huskies
The best way With their thick coats, fluffy tails, and bold black-and-white coloration, huskies are a sight to behold. These dogs are incredibly friendly, but they do have destructive tendencies and high
The Most Popular Lhasa Apso Names of 2021
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Lhasa Apsos have been around for over a thousand years. Often found at palaces and Buddhist monasteries in the mountains, this breed is associated
How Long Can You Leave a Dog Alone?
Having a dog means having a schedule. You arrange work hours, social outings, and errands based on when you can get home. Sometimes you even skip a night out because
Why Is my Puppy Whining?
How to Survive the First Day with Your New Puppy
Ask anybody who’s ever gotten a puppy, and they’ll tell you: the first 24 hours can be rough. There’s all the excitement of “OMG, A PUPPY!!!” tempered with the self-doubt
Women Sleep Better with Their Dogs
Dog owners of all genders like to cuddle with their dogs, and while no statistics (that we know of) exist on how many pet parents let their dogs sleep next to
Why It’s Worth Having Your Dog Groomed Professionally?
Although many dog owners prefer to groom their dogs on their own, having your dog professionally groomed will save you time and energy. It takes a lot of care and
How to Choose the Right Dog for You
Are you ready to choose the right dog for you? Bringing a new dog into your life is a major decision. First, make sure you are ready for a dog
The Importance of Grooming Your Puppy
Grooming is not just about maintaining your dog’s level of cleanliness, and it is not just about keeping your dog good-looking. Grooming is about maintaining both your dog’s physical health